Put our expertise to work
With over 40 years of experience representing clients in family law matters, the Provo, Utah attorneys at Howard Lewis & Petersen can assist you with a wide range of matters related to marriage, children, family life, and divorce. The diverse experience of our lawyers helps us understand both sides of each case, the complexities of the issues involved, and how to reach a resolution to protect your rights.
Pre/Post Nuptial Agreements: A solid pre- or post-nuptial agreement can help protect your individual assets during the marriage as well as in the event of a divorce.
Annulments: When an annulment is appropriate, it can be advantageous for a couple to have their marriage declared invalid, rather than have to go through the process of divorce. If you wish to seek an annulment, HLP can guide you.
Divorce: We understand the stress clients experience during a divorce, and can provide the quality legal expertise you need to make good decisions. HLP will make sure you understand your rights and your options, will help you decide on the best course of action, and will take care of your legal interests so you can focus on your family. We will do everything possible to negotiate a fair resolution of the issues, will participate in mediation and, if a trial is necessary, will be strong advocates for your case in court.
Asset Division: Whether you’ve only been married for a few years or whether you’ve built a family business together, it can be difficult to decide a fair division of assets when you divorce. HLP has the experience to help you uncover all assets and debts, correctly value each item, and decide on a fair distribution.
Alimony / Spousal Support: In Utah, alimony – or spousal support – may be awarded to either the husband or the wife based on need, ability to provide, the length of the marriage, and the standard of living enjoyed during the marriage. HLP can help you protect your rights, enforce alimony orders, or seek a modification based on changed circumstances.
Child Custody: Most parents are deeply concerned about the future of their children and have strong opinions regarding what is in their best interests. If you and your co-parent don’t agree on what is best, HLP can help you to explore your options, understand the normal standards, and choose a course of action that will ensure the best possible future for your children.
Child Support: Child support calculations are based on a number of different factors, and can fluctuate wildly depending on individual circumstances. HLP will work with you to ensure that the child support ordered in your case is fair, and that it meets the needs of your children.
Adoption: HLP can guide you through the process of adoption, in either a traditional adoption or step-parent adoption. We are also experienced in protecting the rights of biological parents in contested adoptions.