The criminal defense attorneys at Howard Lewis & Petersen, PC can help you when you have been charged with federal crimes.

federal crimes   Federal crimes are different than Utah state criminal charges. Federal crimes carry enormous prison sentences and fines. Federal crimes are prosecuted in the United State District Court of Utah and are prosecuted by the United State Attorneys located in Salt Lake City, Utah. These US Attorneys have several, large law enforcement agencies at their disposal to investigate you. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and the United States Postal Inspection Service to name a few. The US Attorneys will also have the state law enforcement agencies’ cooperation and assistance. When the mighty weight of the United State Government is charging you, you will need a very aggressive federal crimes criminal defense attorney on your side.

Here are some common federal crimes:

(1). Federal drug charges.

(2). Federal fraud charges.

(3). Federal child pornography charges.


Located in Provo, Utah, but serving people accused of federal crimes state wide, the federal crimes lawyers at Howard Lewis & Petersen, PC can help advocate for you. Call the federal crimes defense lawyers at (801) 373-6345 for your free evaluation.

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