Black Friday, Road Rage!

car accident Jake GunterThe Risks of Driving and Walking on Black Friday

Black Friday is, in American parlance, the name given the day after Thanksgiving to mark the beginning of the Christmas shopping period. However, it can also be a dangerous day, especially for those who venture out onto the roads and sidewalks of Utah. The victims of traffic accidents occurring on Black Friday will probably need legal assistance, the type available from the law offices of Howard Lewis & Petersen.

The Holiday “Rush”

According to one study, road accidents on Black Friday are more than 30 percent higher on Black Friday than during the average weekday. This should not be hard to understand when considering the tremendous increase in auto and pedestrian traffic, with shoppers taking advantage of bargains blending with travelers taking advantage of the long weekend. Approximately one in three traffic accidents occurring on Black Friday take place in parking lots, with cars running into each other or striking walkers.

The Risks of Black Friday

Many shopping centers open early on Black Friday, even before dawn, and stay open until late at night. This means that much of the driving is done in darkness, which itself increases the risk of accidents. The weather has worsened in much of the country so late in the year, which means rain, snow and icy roads. Pedestrians may be loaded down and cars loaded up with gifts, reducing the visibility of both walkers and drivers. Additionally, some drivers and pedestrians may be in a hurry to make it to the store or home to see that football game, and rushing can increase the risk of accidents.

Special Problems on Black Friday

Black Friday is also the day after a holiday, which means staying up late, getting up early and drinking more than you should. Although many local police departments conduct sobriety checks, most intoxicated drivers are never caught and represent a hazard to everyone else. If you are caught driving while under the influence, you may find yourself spending the Christmas holiday in jail. However, if you are the victim of an intoxicated or careless driver on Black Friday, Provo car accident attorneys can be the best advocates to help you receive the justice that you deserve.