Business Formation And Growth

gavel and balance scale

Whether you are starting a new business or looking to grow within your current business plan, we can help you make responsible short and long-term decisions. From buyouts and shareholder disputes, to buy sell agreements and business formation involving corporations, Limited Liability Corporations or Limited Partnerships, you want the services of a business law firm that understands your needs. The Provo business law attorney and legal team at Howard, Lewis & Petersen, P.C. handles nearly all aspects of a growing business and has helped hundreds of businesses strengthen their business plan. With over fifty years working for companies of all sizes, we can help your business from start to finish.

Business Litigation

As a business owner, you may face various issues. The attorneys at Howard, Lewis & Petersen, P.C. are experienced in all nuances of business litigation including the following issues:

  • contract disputes
  • state and federal taxes
  • real estate purchases/leases
  • employment
  • bankruptcy
  • shareholder derivative suits

If you have questions or concerns about potential or even pending business litigation, our Provo Business Law attorneys can help. Contact us today!